
This blog page would be a collection of a few of my earlier blog posts. Their choice here would be due to several reasons. Like a post written long time back but being relevant currently. Or a post which brings back certain memories - good or bad. Or a post which makes me and you feel good. And for simply for the sake of it being here.

The blog posts are handpicked and hopefully, will be refreshed every couple of weeks - time permitting.

I have taken to writing poetry and am working on improving its quality as time passes. Here is a list of few of them, which are really close to my heart.

The first one is for little children - for My Queen.

As we grow older, we experience different emotions. One of the most beautiful emotions is that of Love and Affection. Maybe, that is the reason why it is Rare yet Abundant.

And many a times, we feel sad, disappointed, and down and out. These are days when I felt as an Outcast. It seemed like a dagger was through my little heart - I was Stabbed.

Life is like waves, with its trough's and crest's. And it is in these moments that your companionship is most valuable. I can't imagine a life Without You.

Read the entire set here.
Flashback Flashback Reviewed by Vyankatesh on Friday, March 04, 2011 Rating: 5